The importance of marketing and promotionsIn these difficult times it seems that everyone is complaining on how difficult the markets have become, and how many businesses are closing their doors…well … here goes… IT’S NOT THAT BAD !!! If your business is still in business, it’s not too late to try new things. This economic downturn is going to produce two types of businesses… the ones that are going to close, and those who have thinkers and doers in their teams. The inspired will prosper, and more than likely kill their opposition.Well… this article is for the ones that are getting off their butts, and are doing and innovating, not for the sitters and complainers.Marketing and promotions is now the name of the game. The normal way of doing business is to cut in an economic downturn … the first budget to go is the marketing budget… how shortsighted. Without marketing and promoting your business and products you CANNOT survive. Less people know about you, your product or service, which leads to CLOSING YOUR FRIGGIN DOORS!!! Market, promote, advertise, give corporate gifts, promotions, wear a bright t-shirt with your company name on it, drive a branded car, do whatever you need to do to sell, sell sell. If you do a promotion, your potential clients MUST walk away with a promotional item or gift…. The gift will remind them of their interaction with you or your staff…. This may, or may not lead to a sale. Every time they use the pen, play with their keyring or write on your notepad, they are being reminded of your company, your promotion, your product, your service.While you are sitting there, reading this article, ask yourself…. Am I scared or am I willing to stand up and be counted??? If you have a marketing budget …. SPEND IT !!! you are not doing your company any service by keeping it under lock and key… Promote your company, market your products sell sell sell …. Or become a statistic. Only SA has projected a 3% growth rate for this year…